Sarro Nari Soohni Pranayam

Sarro Nari Soohni Pranayam

• Digestion
• Energy supply when you feel you have none
• Empowering the immune system



Sit in easy pose or lotus pose. Keep the spine straight. A light Jalandhar Bandh (neck lock): with the neck long and the chin tucked in slightly.


Prayer pose (palms flat together) at the center of the chest

or Gyan mudra (tip of the index finger touching the tip of the thumb) with the hands resting on the knees, palms facing up.

or place the hands in lap – women left palm rests in right. Thumbs touch. Men reverse.

Or Women bring the left thumb so it points down and hooked with right thumb, right hand wraps around both thumbs and the left hand closes over the back of right hand and the mudra rests in the lap. Men reverse fingers and hands.


Closed. Focus at the third eye point, at the root of the nose, on the point where the eyebrows meet.


Curl the tongue and bring it to a “u” shape. Stick the tongue out past the lips.

Inhale through the tongue in eight equal strokes. As you mentally chant the mantra – each syllable of the mantra is one stroke of the breath; Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung.

Exhale through the nose in eight strokes. Mentally chant the mantra in the same way as you exhale.

The melody can be a Kirtan Kriya style

or monotone

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11- 31 minutes


Inhale deeply, briefly suspend and hold the breath, and relax.


This meditation must be built slowly. Start with 3 to 11 minutes.

It is a type of meditation that you must approach with patience and regularity to mine its hidden secrets.

Treat it with respect and keep a glass of water handy.

Originally taught by Yogi Bhajan on

Early 1970’s

Fear & AnxietyAdi Levy