Healing Meditation

Healing Meditation

• Developing the power to heal
• And for one on one healing sessions



Sit in easy pose. Keep the spine straight. A light Jalandhar Bandh (neck lock): with the neck long and the chin tucked in slightly.


Put your left hand on your navel point, your right arm is by your right side, elbow bent, with the palm facing forward, as if you are taking an oath.

The right arm moves to the rhythm of the mantra, as if giving a blessing.

Slowly Move the right arm forward, starting with the “Raa” sound, keep moving the arm until it is straight out in front of you, with the palm facing down on the “Hung” sound. Once you have completed the movement with one cycle of the mantra, bring the right arm back to the first position and start the movement again.



Focus at the third eye point, the point between the eyebrows, root of the nose.

Breath and Mantra

You may chant the mantra out loud or you may meditate silently.


Start with 11 minutes a day, and gradually build it up to 31 minutes. The maximum time to practice this mediation is 2.5 hours.


Inhale deeply, hold the breath and suspend, the then relax.


This is a mediation to practice for the rest of your life; it can give you the power to heal.


1. Use your left hand to touch the person you want to heal. The right hand moves just as it did on the first variation when you meditate by yourself, giving blessings.

In this variation as well, you may chant out loud or chant mentally, in silence.

2. If the person is very ill, you can place your left hand on their navel point, and the right hand on their forehead – (which relates to the pituitary gland.)

In this case as well, you may chant out loud or chant silently.

Originally taught by Yogi Bhajan on

December 20, 1999

Music used in class

“RaMaDaSa” by Guru Nam Singh (Joseph Michael Levry)

Healing OthersAdi Levy