White Hole Mudra

White Hole Mudra

• Developing a meditative mind
• Allow the Self to purify itself



Sit in easy pose. Keep the spine straight. A light Jalandhar Bandh: with the neck long and the chin tucked in slightly.


Raise both hands in front of the face with the elbows relaxed down. The tips of the index fingers and the tips of the thumbs touch together, the remaining fingers are closed in fists. Spread the hands away from each other creating a White Hole Mudra.


Close your eyes and go deeply into the mudra.


Sing the mantra deeply from the navel. Continue for 21 minutes.

Then do Breath of fire powerfully for 1 minute.
(scroll down for explanation about Breath Of Fire)


22 minutes


Inhale very deeply, hold tight, and squeeze your spine from the bottom upward.


Repeat the breath and squeeze two more times.



There are two cosmic powers by which the body and the psyche of the body pass through the pranic body (prana: the first unit of life energy) . There is the Black Hole Mudra, which is formed when the knuckles of the two hands meet, and there is a White Hole Mudra, which is formed when the knuckles of the two hands are spread apart, with the middle fingers curled at the entrance as guardians.

Originally taught by Yogi Bhajan on

September 13, 2000

Music played in class

“RaMaDaSa” by Guru Nam Singh (Joseph Michael Levry)

About Breath of Fire

  • Breath of Fire is rapid, rhythmic, and continuous. It is equal on the inhale and the exhale, with no pause between them (approximately 2-3 cycles per second).

  • Breath through the nostrils with the mouth closed.

  • Breath of Fire is powered from the navel point and solar plexus. To exhale, the air is expelled powerfully through the nose, by pressing the navel point and solar plexus back toward the spine. This feels automatic if you contract the diaphragm rapidly.

  • To inhale, the upper abdominal muscles relax, the diaphragm extends down, and the breath seems to come in as part of relaxation rather than through effort.

  • The chest stays relaxed and slightly lifted throughout the breathing cycle.· When done correctly, there should be no rigidity of hands, feet, face, or abdomen.

  • Some tingling, travelling sensations and lightheadedness are completely normal as your body adjusts to the new breath and new stimulation of the nerves. Concentrating at the brow point may help relieve these sensations. Sometimes these symptoms are the result of toxins and other chemicals released by the breath technique. The symptoms may be relieved by drinking lots of water and changing to a light diet.

  • Breath of Fire is not hyperventilation, nor is it Bellows Breath (exaggerated pumping of the belly).

  • There are restrictions for doing Breath of Fire while pregnant and menstruating.

Common mistakes in doing Breath of Fire

  • Paradoxical breathing. Many people learn to breathe backwards: they inhale by pulling the belly in, thus making the space for the breath less rather than more. This is called paradoxical breathing. People who are often anxious or smoke frequently tend to have this pattern. It can be easily changed by placing one hand on the chest and one on the belly and doing Breath of Fire slowly with total awareness.

  • Trying to breathe by an exaggerated pumping of the belly. Breath of Fire is not the deep-bellows cleansing breath that pumps the stomach with complete exhales and inhales. Breath of Fire comes from higher up near the solar plexus.

  • A loss of attention to the balanced ratio of the inhale and exhale. One way to get this right is to do it wrong first. Try to inhale much more than you exhale with each breath cycle at l-2 times per second. Within 30 seconds you can sense the over-stimulated jumpiness and imbalance of the breathing. Then switch to a much greater exhale than inhale at the same pace. Almost immediately you will sense a loss of strength, lethargy, distraction, or depression. Now make the breath exactly equal on the inhale and exhale. Listen to the sound of the breath and create a steady rhythm.

Benefits of Breath of Fire

  • Releases toxins and deposits from the lungs, mucous linings, blood vessels, and other cells.

  • Expands the lung capacity and increases vital strength.· Strengthens the nervous system to resist stress.

  • Repairs the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

  • Strengthens the navel chakra.

  • Increases physical endurance and prepares you to act effectively.

  • Adjusts the subtle psycho-electromagnetic field of the aura so that the blood becomes energized.

  • Reduces addictive impulses for drugs, smoking, and bad foods.

  • Increases oxygen delivery to the brain, facilitating a focused, intelligent, and neutral state of mind.

  • Boosts the immune system and may help prevent many diseases.

  • Promotes synchronization of the biorhythms of the body’s systems.

Healing YourselfAdi Levy