Chou Pad Arti

Chou Pad Arti

• Conquer fears
• Heal and guide your life
• Develops humility and gratitude for the vastness of the gift of life and consciousness



Sit in easy pose. Keep the spine straight. A light Jalandhar Bandh: with the neck long and the chin tucked in slightly.


Prayer pose: palms flat together at the center of the chest
or Gyan mudra: tip of the index finger touching the tip of the thumb, The hands resting on the knees, palms facing up.
Or: Place the hands in lap – women left palm rests in right. Thumbs touch. Men reverse.
Or:Women bring the left thumb so it points down and hooked with right thumb, right hand wraps around both thumbs and the left hand closes over the back of right hand and the mudra rests in the lap. Men reverse fingers and hands.


Closed, With a light concentration at the third eye point, the root of the nose, where the eyebrows meet.


Listen to the mantra from a tape or chant it mentally.
Breath is done through the nose in a rhythm of four, and in four parts:
Inhale deeply through the nose, one breath in, as you repeat the mantra four times.
Hold the breath in and repeat the mantra four times.
Exhale steadily as you repeat the mantra four times.
Hold the breath out and repeat the mantra four more times.
The rhythm should be right for your own breath capacity, so it would be slower if you can comfortably hold the breath for longer duration, or faster if your breath capacity is shorter.
Use a monotone

or kirtan kriya style melody

This is best practiced listening to your own voice chanting the mantra steadily with no breaks.


11-31 minutes


Breath in deeply, hold and suspend the breath as long as it is comfortable.

Then Relax.


Each section of the breath will automatically access areas of the emotions and mind that need to be adjusted or maintained. On that breath you have your attention and you create the sounds that awakens your awareness of your inner being.

The title means : a four breath regulation that is filled with prayer.

It is on the forth step, the stage of the breath held out that most fears are conquered and transformed.

Try this meditation for 120 days.

Originally taught by Yogi Bhajan on

Early 1970’s

Breath & LungsAdi Levy