Healing with the Siri Gayatri Mantra

Healing with the Siri Gayatri Mantra

• Healing yourself or others
• Expanding awareness



Sit in easy pose. Keep the spine straight. A light Jalandhar Bandh (neck lock): with the neck long and the chin tucked in slightly.


The elbows are placed comfortably against the ribs. The forearms are extended out at a45 degree angle out from the center of the body. The palms are flat, facing up, the wrists pulled back. Fingers together, and thumbs spread. Keep the palms flat during the meditation.


Closed, With a gentle focus at the third eye point. the point between the eyebrows, root of the nose.


Chant the mantra, in the traditional melody. (add sound sample) Pull in the Navel Point on So and Hung. Chant one complete cycle of the entire mantra, and then inhale deeply and repeat. To chant this mantra properly, remember to move your mouth fully with each sound. Feel the resonance in the mouth and the sinus areas.

Let your mind concentrate on the qualities that are evoked by the combination of sounds.


11-31 minutes


Inhale deeply and hold the breath as you offer a healing prayer, visualizing the person you wish to heal (including yourself) as being totally healthy, radiant and strong. Imagine the person completely engulfed in healing white light, completely healed.

Then exhale and inhale deeply again, hold the breath and offer your prayer.

Then lift your arms up high and vigorously shake out your hands and fingers.


This is the classic meditation in which this mantra is practiced.

It can be done anytime healing is needed.

Originally taught by Yogi Bhajan on

Summer 1973

Healing YourselfAdi Levy